Is There Someone Else?

In 2024 the estimated population of the United States is 335,893,238.

Is there someone else that is more qualified to run for President?

A Good Candidate--

--has no mentally degenerative conditions.

--has never been party to insurrection.

--is not on a book tour.

--has never been an outspoken political extremist.

--is a natural born American citizen between the ages of 35 and 65 years old.

--understands the value of competition, cooperation, and compromise.

--has held a leadership position in their community.

--has demonstrated insightful decision making under pressure.

There are infinite political priorities, but this is the bar.

Do You Know of Someone Else?

This is an absurd question, but what if it isn't?

Aggregate Results with Tally

Duplicate recommendations are counted together.

You are encouraged to search the individuals you see below on Google, Duck Duck Go, Bing, Brave, etc.

You And I Are Also Someone Else

I am a concerned American citizen. Use the form below if you would like to get in touch.